November 9, 2017
The Current
In this week's edition:
- Congratulations to everyone who won a jersey at the auction!
- NEW The Upline Cut with Lili Gu and Brittany Kaplan, Directors of The Sky Is Red
- Oh Yes They Did! Weekly Highlight Clip
- Announcements
Congratulations to our Jersey Auction winners!
To confirm your win, please Paypal ( or Venmo (@UpwindUlti) your winning bid by Friday, or we will offer the piece up to the next highest bidder.
And consider donating more to The Sky Is Red kickstarter which closes on Thursday!
NEW The Upline Cut
Special Guests: Lili Gu and Brittany Kaplan,
Directors of The Sky Is Red
Presenting a NEW The Upline Cut featuring Lili Gu and Brittany Kaplan, directors of The Sky Is Red. Learn about how they get in the creative process, how they came up with the name, and a couple "Would you rathers"!
Available now on ITunes and Sourndcloud.
Highlight of the Week
Get fired up for next year's Nationals and hit the gym! Thanks Nathan Kolakovic for another great video!