Uplift Each Other
July 20, 2017
This has been a tough week on social media. Let's take this opportunity to learn and heal together. Please spread this newsletter to someone who might need some love, support, and information.
Loved in the Light: Meditations on Retreat, Building & The Importance of Sisterhood, guest piece by Damali Speaks
This blog comments on the importance of self-love and the long complicated journey and process to get there. Damali Speaks is a blog of sorts created from a young black queer woman theater artist’s way of making sense of the world. This exploration turned into a self love journey and here she is. Originally a New Yorker, she is currently residing in between Los Angeles, California and Brooklyn, New York. In addition to her own personal artistry decorating this blog space, she is the Artistic Director of Speak Theater Productions. Make sure to follow her on Instagram @blackgirlhope for more!
"I don't see race" and the Impact of that Statement
Chip Chang, Upwind Player Adviser, writes about how our words, although often said with good intentions, can have negative repercussions on oppressed communities.
The Family We Choose: BertBrain BONUS
A BONUS BertBrain article on her experience playing on The Gay Agenda, 2017 Potlatch's Spirit Winners.